We’re dedicated to offering you the best price on high-quality products from trusted sources. If you find the exact same item from an authorized seller at a lower price—including all shipping, handling, taxes, and any additional fees—we’re happy to match it.
To request a price match, simply contact our Customer Support team with the following details:
- Your order number and purchase date
- The product identifier or model number
- A link to the competitor’s advertisement showing the lower price
Once we verify the details, we will issue a credit (if applicable) within two business days.
Terms & Conditions:
- The competitor must be an authorized retail dealer.
- The product must be identical, in stock, and available with the same features and warranty.
- This offer does not apply to auction sites, clearance events, special promotions, misprints, or limited-time offers.
- Price match requests must be made within 30 days of your purchase.
- Refunds will be processed in the original form of payment.
- Certain items, such as heavy equipment, may be excluded.
We stand by our commitment to bring you the best deal possible!